standard-title FAQs


Question: How do I contact Ryka Engineering Solutions to outsource for engineering services?

You can either call us or fill up the contact form along with your requirements. We will get back to you.

Question: How much experience does Ryka Engineering Solutions have in providing engineering services?

Our Key people have  an experience of more than 20 years  and have served the customers across the globe.

Question: Does Ryka Engineering Solutions physically supply field instruments and control systems?

We do all procurement engineering right from preparing enquiry specifications to vendor drawing approval. We also technically help client to choose the suitable vendor by providing technical bid evaluation. Client to take care of commercial part of procurement items like placing orders etc.

Question: Why should I opt for Ryka Engineering Solutions for engineering services?

We are driven by our company values. Working with us comes with a wide range of benefits, including:
  • Integrity -Data security and confidentiality
  • Experienced engineers
  • Quick turnaround time
  • Strict quality assurance process
  • Competitive prices

Question: How do I decide how much to spend on engineering?

Generally the long term operation and maintenance of Project or assets costs is in between 70 to 75 % of the asset’s total costs. The construction cost of project is in between 15 to 20%. Engineering cost is in between  2 to 5 % of total costs, the cost of engineering is a relatively small percentage. However, the role of the engineer is pivotal in meeting the client’s objectives because it is during the design process that construction, operations and maintenance cost savings are most easily achieved. Selecting less skilled engineering services for the apparent least cost is often false economy and can result in the risk of project failure.
Selection of the most deserved engineering firm for a specific project will result in a well designed, economical and successful project. Selecting an engineering consultancy is, therefore, one of the most important decisions a client makes.

Question: Which are different domains of engineering in which you provide services?

Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Process , Projects, Construction through  our business associates having similar industry experience.

Question: How do you ensure interface with other engineering disciplines while executing instrumentation engineering?

For multi-discipline interface, physical distance between the disciplines is not limit for us. We have an experience to execute the discipline interfaces very effectively even across the countries with electronics tools like remote computer sharing, video conference calls, seamless communications etc.

Question: On what days of the week are you available?

We are available from Monday  to Saturday(Except 4th Saturday). If the project demands, we are available to work on the weekends as well.